The webinar was organized by IOM in collaboration with WHO for Governments and technical partners in the African region to share operational guidance for continuity of essential health services, experiences and adapted context specific approaches in ensuring migrants, including IDPs and migration affected communities are not left behind in the response to COVID-19.

The objectives of the webinar were to:

  • Highlight available regional guidance on continuity of essential health services for vulnerable populations such as migrants, IDPs and migration affected communities
  • Better understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on access to essential services by migrants, IDPs and migration affected communities in Africa
  • Share experiences and lessons learnt in addressing COVID-19 response and essential health services continuity among migrants, including IDPs, and migration affected communities in Africa.

 The expected outcomes of the meeting were:

  • In-depth understanding of the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on access to and continuity of essential services for migrants, IDPs, and migration affected communities
  • Experiences and lessons learnt by different countries in addressing COVID-19 response and essential health services continuity among migrants, including IDPs, and migration affected communities
  • Commitment by countries to pay attention to and plan for continuity of essential services for migrants, IDPs, and migration affected communities

Among the panellists included Dr. Tarccise Elongo, WHO lead Continuation of Essential Health Services, Michela Martini the IOM Regional Thematic Health Specialist, who presented “Overview of global and regional framework on Migration health” which emphasized on the need to integrate the dynamic role of population mobility in emerging risks to public health and regionalization of global frameworks for Africa.

Other panelists included Dr. Meserret Eshetu, Medical Officer Immunization intercounty support team WHO Harare, who presented an overview of the impact of COVID-19 on access and utilization of services, including for migrants, IDPs and displaced populations and Dr Fredrick Oluga who presented Case study on primary health care services continuity of care for vulnerable migrants in Urban area of Nairobi.