30 Aug 2023

High-Level Side Event - Call to Action on Migration, Environment, and Climate Change

  • Date
    04 Sep 2023, 16:30pm
  • Location
    Nairobi, Kenya
  • Organizer

    International Organization for Migration

Event Concept:

The undeniable correlation between migration, environment, and climate change has garnered significant attention. This High-Level Side Event aims to translate concern into action by fostering meaningful dialogue and forging actionable commitments. As climate-induced hazards and environmental disruptions continue to reshape lives and landscapes, it is imperative to transform policies into tangible outcomes that safeguard communities and create a resilient future.

This High-Level Side Event offers a unique platform to learn from influential speakers and experts who are shaping the discourse around climate-induced migration and hear about the tangible commitments being made to address this thematic.


This event seeks to align actions with ambitions, focusing on the practical implementation of policy frameworks. The objectives include:

  • Mobilizing development partners and practitioners to address climate-induced migration in Africa.
  • Discussing opportunities presented by the Africa Climate Summit to tackle climate-induced mobility.
  • Launch commitments and pledged from governments, development partners, private sector and different funds that enhance support for African states' efforts to address issues and opportunities arising from Climate Change and Human Mobility nexus.

The event hosts a variety of distinguished speakers such as:

  • John Kerry, U.S. Special Envoy for Climate, USA
  • Amy Pope, Director General Elect, IOM
  • Dr. Sultan al Jaber, President, COP28
  • Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary, UNFCCC
  • Elizabeth Wathuti, Youth Climate Activist

Join us in answering the Call to Action for Migration, Environment, and Climate Change to create a future where policies translate into tangible results!