
Member States meet in Djibouti for a regional training on Bilateral Labour Migration Agreements, Migration Law, Ethical Recruitment and Migrant Workers’ Rights.

Djibouti - The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Regional office for East and Horn of Africa and IOM Djibouti, in cooperation with the Government of Djibouti, held (3-6/7) a regional training for government officials from the 11 EHOA countries on International Migration Law (IML), Bilateral Labour Migration Agreements (BLMAs), ethical recruitment and protection of migrant workers’ rights including rights and obligations of States and migrants.

Migrant workers are contributing to the economic development of countries of origin and destination through their competencies, skills and experience and they are receiving growing recognition. The increasing migration flows to the Middle East, EU and other countries from the region is becoming an important source of remittances for the RMFM Member States as well. Consequently, ensuring rights protection and well-being of the migrants’ workers in the countries of destination is timely and crucial.

The regional meeting which was organized under the umbrella of the Regional Ministerial Forum on Migration (RMFM) also provided a platform to discuss the Migration Governance Framework (MiGoF), 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the African Union Agenda 2063, and the Global Compact for Migration (GCM) from a regional perspective, and for governments from the region to learn from good practices developed in other countries.  

In addition, the regional training aimed to raise the level of understanding and implementation of the international and regional legal standards that govern labour migration. Participants were also introduced to the Determinant of Migrants Vulnerability (DoMV) Model and explored the adaptation of the DoMV model by stakeholders when analyzing and responding to migrants’ vulnerabilities thus strengthening current migration governance efforts in the region. The regional training  further aligns with the objectives of the IOM’s Regional Strategy for the EHOA (2020-2024) in leveraging governments commitments for ensuring that labor migration is safe, orderly and humane so that no one is left behind  IOM East and Horn of Africa Regional Strategy 2020 - 2024

“Djibouti is a welcoming country that promotes a resilient migration and asylum policy. Migration is not a source of tension; it is seen as an opportunity for development, as evidenced by the legislative and regulatory texts adopted, which grant migrants the same rights as nationals,” said H.E. Omar Abdi Said, Minister of Labour in charge of Formalization and Social Protection.

“The regional training will contribute to the region’s strengthened capacity to develop and implement migration legislation and procedures consistent with applicable international and regional standards and to govern migration more effectively and consistent with the rule of law,” said Mohammed Abdiker, IOM Regional Director for East and Horn of Africa. 

There has been a rise in labour migration from the region, and as such, increased instances of exploitation and abuse of migrant workers such as human trafficking, sexual exploitation, and an infringement of labour, economic, social, and human rights through poor working conditions or inadequate remuneration. Women especially face numerous risks and challenges while seeking employment abroad, and collaborative efforts by governments are needed to safeguard their rights. Rights-based and gender-responsive Bilateral Labour Migration Agreements (BLMAs) could facilitate orderly, regular and humane migration, regulate ethical recruitment practices, promote decent working and living conditions and provide a framework for social protection and access to justice.

Considering the high flow of labour migrants from the region, Ministers of Foreign Affairs (MFAs) of Governments and their counterparts in the region, are increasingly focusing on protecting their nationals working overseas. Embassies and consular offices are often the first port of call for migrant workers in need and the first line of action for establishing trust between governments and their diaspora communities.

“I wish to reiterate the importance of international conventions and legal instruments on safeguarding the rights of migrants and the obligations of States.” said Tanja Pacifico, Chief of Mission IOM Djibouti.

The Regional Ministerial Forum on Migration RMFM is made up of governments from the Republic of Burundi, Republic of Djibouti, Federal Republic of Ethiopia, State of Eritrea, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Rwanda, Federal Republic of Somalia, Republic of South Sudan, Republic of Sudan, the United Republic of Tanzania, and Republic of Uganda. Those at the training included senior technical officials from Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Labour and Social Protection and Gender.

The Better Regional Migration Management Program (BRMM) is implemented by IOM Regional Office for EHOA  and funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) to enhance labour migration governance and protection of migrant workers and their family members’ human, social and labour rights through intra and inter-regional cooperation on a whole of government and whole of society approach, to support regional integration and facilitate mobility for transformative inclusive and sustainable economic growth as well as youth and women empowerment.

For more information, please contact:

In Nairobi, BRMM Program Media and Communications Officer Janet Adongo at or +254722750153

In Djibouti, JTIP and Communication Assistant Kaousar Saad at on +2537787689

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 1 - No Poverty
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals
SDG 5 - Gender Equality