IOM in South Sudan

IOM began operations in southern Sudan in early 2005, establishing the IOM South Sudan mission after the country’s independence in July 2011. Since the outbreak of the conflict in December 2013, IOM has provided support to thousands of internally displaced persons and affected communities across the country.

The mission is now one of IOM’s largest globally. IOM has offices in Juba, Bentiu, Malakal, Wau and the Abyei Administrative Area, as well as operational presence in Bor, Kapoeta, Magwi, Mankien and Rumbek.

IOM’s leadership roles and operational capacity support a comprehensive approach as outlined in its Migration Crisis Operational Framework (MCOF), aiming to reach at least 1 million people with assistance in 2018. IOM’s migration management and recovery and stabilization efforts complement humanitarian interventions to help build community resilience.

Facts and Figures

Capital Juba
Population (2015):  12.3 million 
Area:  619,745 km sq 
Languages:  English 
Currency:  South Sudanese pound (SSP) 
GDP per Capita PPP (2014):  USD 2,698 
Net Migration Rate (2015 - 2020):  2.3 migrants/1,000 population 
Immigrants (2015):  6.7% 
Women as a Percentage of Immigrants (2015):  48.9% 
Population under 15 (2015):  42.1% 
Adult HIV Prevalence (2014):  2.70% 

International Organization for Migration (IOM) 
New industrial area 
Northern Bari 
South Sudan 

Tel: +249 922 405 712 

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