Established in 2018, the Regional Data Hub (RDH) for the East and Horn of Africa supports evidence-based, strategic and policy-level discussion on migration through a combination of initiatives. In particular, the RDH uses multiple tools and processes to investigate the migration narrative in the region and gain a more in-depth understanding of the actors, dynamics and risks of migration. These initiatives aim to fill existing gaps by strengthening the regional evidence base on migration, which will further improve policymaking and programming. The RDH strategy is in line with the objectives of the IOM Migration Data Strategy.

Objective 1: Strengthen the global evidence base on migration

The RDH produces regular data analyses on the main migration trends following a route-based strategy (Eastern, Horn of Africa, Northern and Southern Routes) as well as provides technical support and reinforces the data management capacity of IOM staff in the region to strengthen coordination, harmonization and inter-operability of IOM operational data sources. The RDH also strives to keep up with new and innovative trends by developing customized digital solutions to facilitate migrant registration, certification, profiling and service management. In addition, the RDH has put in place a communication strategy via bimonthly newsletters, interactive online portals and social media to promote information sharing and increased access to migration data.

Objective 2: Develop capacity of States and other relevant partners to enhance the national, regional and global migration evidence base

To strengthen the regional evidence base on migration, the RDH closely collaborates with national statistical offices, key line ministries and regional economic communities to enhance the production, harmonization and dissemination of official migration statistics. Relevant capacity development initiatives are designed to address country-specific migration data needs and gaps across Member States, which are further harmonized with interventions at the regional and continental level.

Objective 3: Ensure more evidence-based IOM- and United Nations system-wide programming, operations, policy advice and communications

The RDH has become a technical hub able to provide data and information management services for evidence-based programming, policy and advocacy, by working closely with the RECs and within the United Nations system, specifically under the Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund and the Migrant Response Plan for the Horn of Africa and Yemen. The RDH is also continually improving its data ecosystems to enable sound information and knowledge management, and to reinforce its analysis to guide policy and communications. In addition, the RDH helped advance the implementation of the MDS in the region by leading an MDS workshop in late 2021 with over 20 data focal points.

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